
Hispanics Need Wellness Education With a Twist

Hispanics Need Wellness Education With a Twist Aideé Granados, Founder of Rosa Es Rojo

Closed Caption Transcript: I am the third generation of my family to be diagnosed with cancer. My grandmother first, then my mother, my father, even my stepmom all passed away because of it. And seven years ago, it’s going to be eight years ago, I got the news of my stage 3A breast cancer. Having […]

The Rise of Benefit Corporations

The Rise of Benefit Corporations Vanessa Bouché, Founder of Savhera

Closed Caption Transcript Hi, everyone, thanks for tuning in to Impact Fort Worth. What an incredible lineup of speakers on the cutting edge of social impact. I’m Dr. Vanessa Bouché, associate professor of political science at TCU and co-founder of Savhera, a public benefit corporation diffusing wellness and justice globally through aromatherapy products that provide […]

The Impact of Your Technology

The Impact of Your Technology Sheryle Gillihan, CEO of CauseLabs

Closed Caption Transcript: We live in a digital world sometimes I love it, the connections, the fun, the functionality, the discovery and infinite knowledge at my fingertips. It wasn’t always like that when I was growing up. But other times I’m frustrated, upset, jaded, mistrusting and fearful. And quite frankly, I’m disappointed. Feel like we […]